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The major economic fruits of the lower south of Thailand such as longkong, mangosteen. It has been found that quality fruit problems are not standardized due to the destruction of pests. And longkong trees do not flowering and setting fruits because of climate change. Mangosteen fruits are low yields and fruits surface damaged by thrips. Farmers are lack of good agricultural practice knowledge to solve these problems so that this project was established to find out appropriated technologies for them.
The objective of this study was to test a suitable bagging material for improving fruit quality of longkong. The experiments were conducted in 4 orchards to compare the different bagging materials in Rattapum and Chana districts, Songkhla province. The experiment was arranged with five treatments in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCB) as follows; 1) blue nylon net bag, 2) white net fabric bag, 3) polyplastic bag, 4) coated paper bag and 5) non-bagged fruit (Control). The results found that fruit quality (total soluble solids:TSS, titratable acidity:TA and TSS/TA) were not affected by the bunch bagging and kind of bagging materials. Bagging fruit bunch with blue nylon bag was lower percentage of fruit rot symptom, level of insects and sooty molds infestation than others treatments. However, bagged fruit bunch with coated paper bag was slightly higher brightness (L*) than those bagging methods. Furthermore, blue nylon net bag was also easy and durable method which was acceptable to the farmers. Therefore, blue nylon net bag should apply to improve fruit quality of longkong. Effect of the materials of bagging for good quality of longkong fruits in Satun province was investigated. It was established in October 2013–September 2015. It’s aims was to compare between bagging materials for increase the fruit quality and to get rid of sooty mold, fruit fly and bat damaged. There was 5 treatments and 5 replications in randomized completely block design (RCBD) include to have not fruits bagging, nylon bagging, clothes bagging, plastic bagging and wax coated paper. It was shown that all materials of bagging could be protect the fruits damaged by the bats, fruit flies, good peel color, sanitary fruits and increase fruit growth rate. Moreover, it was found that the nylon bagging was the best materials for decrease sooty mold, fruit flies damaged, number of mealy bugs, ants and bats damaged but not significant differ with other treatment. In conclusion, the nylon bagging is recommended for good quality of longkong fruits caused by farmers’ acceptance, could be recycled, durable, inexpensive and easily to use.
Satun :It was shown that all materials of bagging could be protect the fruits damaged by the bats, fruit flies, good peel color, sanitary fruits and increase fruit growth rate. Moreover, it was found that the nylon bagging was the best materials for decrease sooty mold, fruit flies damaged, number of mealy bugs, ants and bats damaged but not significant differ with other treatment. In conclusion, the nylon bagging is recommended for good quality of longkong fruits caused by farmers’ acceptance, could be recycled, durable, inexpensive and easily to use.
Songkhla: Bagging technique is a successful control method to improve fruit quality. The study was conducted at two experimental sites of longkong orchards in Chana district, Songkhla province during October 2014 to September 2016. Fruit bunch was bagged with blue nylon net bag with four treatments (5, 6, 7 and 8 weeks after full bloom) in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCB). Results found that all of these treatments had no significant differences of some fruit characteristics and fruit qualities. However, fruit bagging at 5 weeks after full bloom gave the higher bunch weight, length of bunch and brightness (L*) than other treatments. Furthermore, the lowest of percentage of fruit rot was exhibited at 5 weeks after full bloom of bagging. Therefore, bagging time at 5 weeks after full bloom should be acceptable for improving fruit quality of longkong..
Satun: The results was shown that bagging fruit on 5 ,6 ,7 and 8 weeks after anthesis had not effect for sooty mold , fruit rot due to fruit flies and mealy bugs.
Bagging time were not effect and were not significant differ on the physical (L*,a*, b* ,length of fruit bunches and fruit diameter) and the chemical component of longkong fruits (TSS, TA,TSS/TA ). However blue nylon net bags was recommended to protect the fruit damaged by bats more than control. In inclusions, farmer could be bagging during 5-8 weeks after anthesis .
Conducted a study to find ways to induce the longkong flowering has normally and yield regularly was every year. Ways do not the use of chemicals, To select the longkong trees which the age of 20 years, 20 trees and the height and width of the trees canopy regularly. The experiments were arranged in a completely randomized design in 4 treatments with 5 replications. The treatments were: 1.no induced (control), 2.pruning the root at ends of the bushes, for about 1/6 of the radius length canopy and 20 cm depth. (on February) 3.straining the limb, by selecting limb diameter of about 3.5 - 4.0 cm., 3 of limb/plant and then use wire diameter of 2.0 mm. in the straining. (on February) and 4.stranded the trunk at 30 cm from the ground, by mark strand a width of 3.0 cm. (on February). Then study the growth and development of trees, the flowering, fruiting and quality of yield. And collecting weather data during the trials. Since theirs launch in October 2013 to late September 2016. According to the study, the growth and development of the longkong trees in 2014 and 2016 are found, Narathiwat: For the study of flowering is found, longkong trees are flowering all treatments. In 2014, the longkong trees without induction were given average number of flower/tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. In 2015, the longkong trees which straining the limb were given average number of flower/tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. And in 2016, the longkong trees which stranded the trunk were given average number of flower/tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. And the study of quantity yield in 2014 is found, the longkong trees which pruning the root were given average bouquet number of fruits / tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. In 2015, the longkong trees which straining the limb were given average bouquet number of fruits/tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. And in 2016, the longkong trees which stranded the trunk were given average bouquet number of fruits/tree highest, not significantly compared with the longkong trees which straining the limb, but significantly compared with other treatments. Yala: In 2014 ,the study of flowering was found, longkong trees were flowering all treatments. In 2014, the longkong trees without induction were given average number of flower/tree highest, are no different with the longkong trees which pruning the root, but significantly compared with other treatments. In 2015, the longkong trees without induction were given average number of flower/tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. And in 2016, the longkong trees which stranded the trunk were given average number of flower/tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. And the study of quantity yield in 2014 was found, the longkong trees which stranded the trunk were given average bouquet number of fruits / tree highest, were no different with the longkong trees without induction, but significantly compared with other treatments. In 2015, the longkong trees without induction were given average bouquet number of fruits/tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. And in 2016, the longkong trees which stranded the trunk were given average bouquet number of fruits/tree highest, were no different with the longkong trees which straining the limb, but significantly compared with other treatments. Pattani: In 2014 were found, the longkong trees which stranded the trunk were given the percentage of fresh leaves highest, significantly compared with other treatments. In 2016, the longkong trees which straining the limb were given the percentage of fresh leaves highest, significantly compared with other treatments. For the study of flowering was found, longkong trees were flowering all treatments. In 2014, the longkong trees which straining the limb were given average number of flower/tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. In 2015, the longkong trees which pruning the root were given average number of flower/tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. And in 2016, the longkong trees which stranded the trunk were given average number of flower/tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. And the study of quantity yield in 2014 was found, the longkong trees which straining the limb were given average bouquet number of fruits / tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. In 2015, the longkong trees which stranded the trunk were given average bouquet number of fruits/tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. And in 2016, the longkong trees which stranded the trunk were given average bouquet number of fruits/tree highest, significantly compared with other treatments. For the other side of quality yield, include weight fruit bouquets, length of fruit bouquets, number of fruits/bouquets, weight/ 5 fruits of 3 experiment locations. Found the quality features of the yield in all treatments, the result appears instability and change. Because these studies did not have a quality management, trim flowers, trim fruit bouquets and the clamp bouquets.The quality management can be conducted it later, when treatment is right now. But trends of the longkong trees which limb strangulation (Narathiwat and Yala ) and stranded the trunk (Pattani) were given the quality features of the yield better than other treatments.
The study on technology of thrips eliminated on mangosteen fruits in the farmer’s mangosteen orchards by comparing mono and multiple cropping in Songkhla province. It was found that the abundance and distribution of thrips of mono cropping was higher than multiple cropping as flushing and flowering stage was higher than fruit setting stage. Two species of thrips were found such as Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood and Scirtothrips oligochaetus Kamy in the investigated sites. Moreover, Two species of natural enemies was found too such as Chrysopa basalis and Proreus simulans staiien. For the thrips eliminated, it was shown that the yellow sticky traps and water sprayed on plant canopy could reduce the abundance and distribution of thrips was significant (p<0.05) in all growth stage such as flushing stage (21.08-55.25%), flowering stage (5.98-29.52%) and fruit setting stage (10.79-34.38%). In addition to its could be reduce the scarring on the fruit surfaces by thrips as multiple cropping (91.7%) and mono cropping (78.8%). It was resulted that the influence of shading and the climate affect to the abundance and distribution of thrips too. The number of thrips in the multiple cropping system was significantly (p<0.01) less than single cropping system with 18.90?4.83 and 56.81?11.96, respectively. In conclusion, multiple -cropping mangosteen orchards and using yellow sticky traps, water sprayed on plant canopy are recommended for abundance and reducing fruit damage caused by thrips and leads to food safety. |