เรวัต เลิศฤทัยโยธิน, อภิวิชญ์ ทรงกระสินธุ์, เรวัต เลิศฤทัยโยธิน, อภิวิชญ์ ทรงกระสินธุ์ - มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
ชื่อเรื่อง: โครงการวิจัยและพัฒนาอ้อยและน้ำตาล
ชื่อเรื่อง (EN): Cane and Sugar Research and Development
บทคัดย่อ: Sugarcane varietal improvement project had 5 Kamphaeng Saen sugarcane varieties that could be registered at Kasetsart University namely; Kamphaeng Saen 94-13 Kamphaeng Saen 01-12 Kamphaeng Saen 00-148 Kamphaeng Saen 01-25 and Kamphaeng Saen 00-129 and also had 5 Kamphaeng Saen sugarcane varieties that have been promoted by Office of the Cane and Sugar Board namely; Kamphaeng Saen 94-13 Kamphaeng Saen 01-12 Kamphaeng Saen 00-148 Kamphaeng Saen 01-25 and Kamphaeng Saen 00-105. Kamphaeng Saen 01-12 has potential to be certified considering the varietal testing results of sugarcane varietal improvement project and also results of Office of the Cane and Sugar Board and National Science and Technology Development Agency. Moreover, Kamphaeng Saen 00-105 Kamphaeng Saen 00-58 Kamphaeng Saen 01-5 Kamphaeng Saen 00-103 Kamphaeng Saen 00-57 and Kamphaeng Saen 01-29 also have potential to be registered. Kamphaeng Saen sugarcane varieties were planted in the commercial scale about 50,000-100,000 rai. The project also has broadened the network of varietal testing in both sugar factories and farmers. In 2011, the project had planted about 60 Kamphaeng Saen sugarcane varieties in 35 locations for selection and varietal trials. The publications could be done on the topic of varietal stability and factors, both environment and cultural practice, affecting to each Kamphaeng Saen sugarcane variety, on the topic of screening for drought and salt tolerance in nursery by evaluating the increasing of substances under stress, on the topic of molecular marker evaluation and on the topics of study of potential of Kamphaeng Saen sugarcane varieties in ethanol production and low fertilizer requirement. The sugarcane varietal improvement project also was responsible for special problems of 68 undergraduate students and thesis of 49 master students and 3 doctor students. Moreover, handbook of sugarcane propagation about the sugarcane varietal testing was published, which can be well used for training on sugarcane varietal management. Genetic variation study of Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) genomes in Thailand, three SCMV isolates were collected from naturally infected sugarcanes in sugarcane fields. By using reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique with specific primers covering the whole genome, these three isolates were cloned and sequenced. Results rewealed that SCMV-KB isolate from Kanchanaburi province and SCMV-SP isolate from Suphan Buri province contained 3063 amino acids, while SCMV-UD isolate from Udon Thani province contained 3065 amino acids. Sequence comparison of full length genome revealed that the three isolates were of 98-99% and 98% identity of nucleotide and amino acid sequences, respectively. By comparison with GenBank databases, the three isolates were classified in SCMV group. Thus, these three isolates were displayed low genetic variations as indicated. To find out the most suitable inoculation method on sugarcane for SCMV resistant sugarcane screening project, 4 sap-inoculation methods of SCMV on sugarcane are; (1) 2-3 time leaf-rubbing with fingers, (2) injection at midrib, (3) using a needle piercing through drops of sap at the area between leaf sheat and leaf base with 45 degrees of angle and (4) 10 times of piercing with needle at midrib before doing 2-3 time leaf-rubbing with fingers. The results shown that the fourth method was expressed the highest percentage of infected sugarcane seedlings, 90 %, than other methods, but those of 4 inoculation methods were displayed nonsignificant. By using infectivity assays of these three SCMV isolates on indicator plants, corn and sorghum, the results were shown in the same virulence level and symptom expression on each host. This result was indicated that all the three isolates be low genetic variation. Base on this work, disease index by Kuhn and Jellum (1970) could be used for sugarcane disease resistant assessment as displayed on corn and sorghum. Key words: Sugarcane mosaic virus, RT-PCR, Sugarcane, mosaic virus disease The objective of this study was to develop a reliable method to screen sugarcane for resistance to Colletotrichum falcatum, the causal agent of red rot disease. Five techniques for inoculating sugarcane with C. falcatum were evaluated on four cultivars, K84-200, K88-92, E-Haew and K93-236. These included detached stalk-plug inoculation with mycelial disc, soil drench, spraying, needle injection and micropipette injection with a conidial suspension. The experiments were conducted during 2009-2011 at Kamphaeng Saen, Kasetsart University. The disease symptoms were recorded 30 days after inoculation. Disease symptoms were characterized by a mid-rib lesions, initial slight yellowing and blight of the leaves. Subsequently, the plant may be stunted or entire plant may permanently wilt and the whole plant was death. Soil drench and spraying a conidial suspension resulted in no disease symptoms. Detached stalk-plug inoculation, needle injection and micropipette injection resulted in high level of infection on susceptible cultivar (E-Haew and K93-236). The advantage of these methods as compared to plug standard method, are that these take the shortest periods, especially the needle injection method. The needle injection method may be useful for rapid selection of red rot resistant varieties in one-month-old sugarcane seedling stage before field trials. Studies effect of organic fertilizers with chemical fertilizers for yield and quality of Sugarcane in Kamphaeng Sean Sugarcane 01-25 varities at Cane and Sugar Research & Development center (Research & Development Institute, Kasetsart University Kamphaeng sean campus) in Kamphaeng sean soil series (Kamphaeng sean series : Ks) on Sugarcane crop, first ratoon crop and second ratoon crop (total 3 years). The experiment in Randomized complete block with 4 replications. The studies divide to 5 treatment including to 1. Nitrogen 24 kg/rai. 2. Cow manure 1,000 kg/rai. 3. Nitrogen 12 kg/rai. with cow manure 200 kg/rai. 4. Nitrogen 12 kg/rai. with cow manure 600 kg/rai. 5. Untreat (Control) (put fertilizer 2 times/year, 2 and 4 month after planting ) and repeat practice until 3 years. The result showed that growth and yield of Sugarcane crop, all treatment no significant difference by statistic. However highest productivity is Nitrogen 12 kg/rai. with cow manure 600 kg/rai. (total yield 18.66 ton/rai.), Nitrogen 24 kg/rai. (total yield 16.90 ton/rai.), Nitrogen 12 kg/rai. with cow manure 200 kg/rai. (total yield 16.66 ton/rai.) and cow manure 1000 kg/rai. (total yield 16.66 ton/rai.) and lower productivity is control (total yield 15.85 ton/rai.) respectively. In first ratoon crop, showed the yield of sugarcane that Nitrogen 24 kg/rai. (19.30 ton/rai.) , Nitrogen 12 kg/rai. with cow manure 200 kg/rai. (17.13 ton/rai.) and Nitrogen 12 kg/rai. with cow manure 600 kg/rai. (17.31 ton/rai.) was significantly higher than cow manure and control. In second ratoon crop, showed that yield of sugarcane wasn’t significantly in all treatment but highest yield is Nitrogen 12 kg/rai. with cow manure 200 kg/rai., Nitrogen 12 kg/rai. with cow manure 600 kg/rai. and Cow manure 1000 kg/rai., respectively. And lower yield is chemical fertilizer. Total 3 years showed that chemical fertilizer with cow manure yield higher than chemical fertilizer, after applied chemical with cow manure can be improve soil structure, soil drainage, soil space, reduced soil erosion, increase microorganisms in soil and release nutrients. So ratio between chemical with organic fertilizers is alternative method to increasing sugarcane yield and reduce costs of sugarcane crop. Evaluation of an outbreak of shoot and stem borers in sugarcane and theirs damage in the central region of Thailand was conducted by sampling of infested sugarcane in Kanchanaburi, Suphanburi, Nakhon Pathom and Nakhon Sawan Provinces. Result from 2 points per province data 2 years continuously collected by systematic sampling showed that the sugarcane shoot and stem borers complex consisted of eventual 3 species (Sesamia inferens, Chilo sacchariphagus and Chilo infuscatellus). By the amount of insect outbreak, each species varied according to a development stage of studied cane. Sesamia inferens infested to the young germinating cane until the elongation and tillering stage while C. infuscatellus spread throughout all phases of cane growth. C. sacchariphagus was often found in the late sugarcane growing stage. For crop damage assessment of sugarcane varieties grown in the central region compared to the number of pest infestation, the results in the first and second observed years in laboratory tests confirmed that the investigated assessment using artificial infestation can be used for the evaluation. This approach was then employed in the 3rd studied year revealing a high degree of correlation between internodes damage and stalk damage. For every 1% increase in stalk damage there was a corresponding increase of 0.214% in the internodes damage. The distribution of larvae inside the internodes was found to depend on the level of infestation. At low field infestation level (below 25 larvae/100 canes) the distribution was random. As the level of infestation increases, the distribution becomes more aggregated.Sugarcane plants with white leaf symptoms were collected from Kanchanaburi Province. The SecA gene of phytoplasma was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which the expect amplified PCR products size of 600 bp. The DNA fragment (SCWL-KB) was cloned, sequenced, and nucleotide were compared to those previously reported in GenBank, Aster yellows witches'-broom phytoplasma, Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasma, Paulownia witches'-broom phytoplasma, Onion yellows phytoplasma, Candidatus phytoplasma australiense and Candidatus phytoplasma mali. The results indicated that the SCWL-KB isolate closely related to Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasma at 78 % homololy. SecA gene encoding the SecA protein was cloned into Escherichia coli pQE-80L expression vector. The molecular mass of 27 kDa SecA protein of sugarcane white leaf phytoplasma was detected by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. The entire predicted SecA gene encoded SecA protein composed of 203 amino acids with computed isoelectric point (pI) and average of hydropathicity value of 9.3 and -0.647 respectivelyThe top, middle and the lowest internode of 4 months old sugarcane line 20-2248, the high sucrose content, were used for invertase activity determination. It was found that the invertase activity of all 3 isoforms were lowest at the top-internode then the activity was increase at the middle and the lowest internode. Cell wall invertase showed the highest activity compared to vascular invertase and the cytoplasmic invertase was the lowest activity. The primers SAInt01-F with SAInt01-R and SAI02-F with SAI02-R could amplify and yielded 240 and 400 bp DNA fragments of soluble acid invertase, respectively when 1.5 mM MgCl2 and 59 oC of annealing temperature was used. However, others primers could not yield any DNA fragment at the moment. Yield Evaluate and Selection Sugar cane Variety Specific Environment in Northern-Center Area by using 2 recommended sugar cane cultivars ( K88-92 and LK92-11) and 13 elite line from Kasetsart Sugar cane Breeding Project (KPS 2000-1-156, KPS 2000-1-40, KPS 2000-11-5, KPS 2001-5-28, KPS 2000-1-42, KPS 2000-1-138, KPS 2003-1-6, KPS 2000-1-103, KPS 2000-1-57, KPS 2001-10-4, KPS 2001-4-18, KPS 2000-1-24 และ KPS 2001-8-8), was conducted at the Lop-Buri research station field and Farmer field, Kokcharean district, Lop-Buri province. The RCBD with 3 replication was conducted between 17th February 2009 – 5th March 2011. The results of Lop-Buri research station field revealed that line KPS 01-8-8, KIP 2000-1-57, KPS 2000-1-40, KPS 01-4-18, KPS 00-1-138, KPS 2000-1-24 and KPS 2000-1-103 had high yield between 14.87-15.56 ton/rai, had sugar yield per rai between 1,666.26-1,533.40 kg, but Farmer field revealed that line KIP 2001-11-5, KPS 2000-1-40, KPS 2001-10-4, and KPS 2000-1-57 had high yield between 6.73.17-13.09 ton/rai, and had sugar yield per rai between 705.32-1,249. kg.
บทคัดย่อ: ไม่พบข้อมูลจากหน่วยงานต้นทาง
ภาษา (EN): th
เผยแพร่โดย: มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
คำสำคัญ (EN):
เจ้าของลิขสิทธิ์: สำนักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแห่งชาติ
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